Thursday, December 14, 2017

21st Century Electronic Communication in Education

What are the limitations, expectations, problems, and/or concerns that you experienced and/or foresee with these three types of distance learning communication mediums?

Threaded Discussions
As the internet has wormed it's way into every aspect of our lives, news threads are the main source for most to stay informed. Threaded discussions emulate this by being essentially a small article of thought on a focused area that allows other to comment on. Threaded discussions allow others to communicate to the author while also allowing the author to express their full ideas. Organizing by topic also allows for focused study and writing. Some concerns for this medium is a lack of interaction. Though others can comment, it is rare to see that commenting continue into a discussion between two people. It's often left to sit there without notification of the comments. This can lead to a lack of authentic learning and exchange of ideas. 

Email Discussions
Like unto threaded discussions, this focused internet letter allows us to express thoughts and communicate them to one or more dedicated individuals. A benefit of this medium is it does notifies and carries the expectation for reply. This leads to more discussions but are often stretched out and not occurring simultaneously. However, it allows for private discussions and for very focused topics in the correspondence. It doesn't allow one's learning to stretch far.

Live Chat Discussions
With the onset of social media threads, threaded discussions are the newest ways of communicating without saying a word! While previous chats and emails have been the means of communication, the popularity of Facebook messenger and texting as a societal norm promotes threaded discussions for professional discussion. Real time responses through text provide voices to be heard simultaneously. However, this proves a pro and a con. While all participants can respond at once, this also means the conversation can go in any direction all at once too often leaving subjects unfinished. Threaded discussions also often have character limits restricting speakers from fully illustrating their points making conversation abruptly end at times in confusing ways. When this happens, it can be difficult to not overwhelm the stream with several comments to make your point. Overall, it's a great informal way of collecting ideas. It does expand ideas but can also restrict depending on who participates and what ground rules are set.

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